Source code for pyswarming.swarm


The PySwarming swarm class allows the creation of virtual swarm to be used with
the behaviors functions, for details, see the documentation available in two forms:
docstrings provided with the code, and a loose standing reference guide, available
from `the PySwarming homepage <>`_..

Functions present in pyswarming.swarm are listed below.




__all__ = ['Swarm']

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation

import behaviors as bh

[docs]class Swarm: """ Creates a Swarm object of n robots, which allows the use of different behaviors algorithms. Parameters ---------- n : int integer number of robots, must be greater than 1 (n > 1). linear_speed : float float number giving the linear speed of each robot. This speed is used for those behaviors that have an orientation or nonsimensional contributions. dT : float float number giving the sampling time. deployment_point_limits : list list containing two lists with the swarm deployment coordinate limits, where the first list is the lower limit [x_min, y_min, z_min] and the second is the upper limit [x_max, y_max, z_max]. For the 'none' distribution_type only the lower limit is considered; For the 'uniform' distribution_type both limits are considered; For the 'gaussian' distribution_type the lower limit is considered as the mean of the distribution and the upper limit is considered as the standard deviation of the distribution. deployment_orientation_limits : list list containing two lists with the swarm deployment orientation limits, where the first list is the lower limit [roll_min, pitch_min, yaw_min] and the second is the upper limit [roll_max, pitch_max, yaw_max]. For the 'none' distribution_type only the lower limit is considered; For the 'uniform' distribution_type both limits are considered; For the 'gaussian' distribution_type the lower limit is considered as the mean of the distribution and the upper limit is considered as the standard deviation of the distribution. distribution_type : {'none', 'uniform', 'gaussian'} type of distribution used to create the robots. - 'none' : the creation is not based in any distribution. - 'uniform' : the creation is based in an uniform distribution. - 'gaussian' : the creation is based in an gaussian distribution. plot_limits : list list containing the plot limits (matplotlib). behaviors : list list containing the behaviors to be simulated. """ def __init__(self, n, linear_speed = 0.5, dT = 1.0, deployment_point_limits = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [5.0, 5.0, 0.0]], deployment_orientation_limits = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 2*np.pi]], distribution_type = 'uniform', plot_limits = [[-50.0, 50.0], [-50.0, 50.0]], behaviors = ['target']): if n <= 1: raise Exception("The number of robots must be greater than 1 (n > 1).") self.n = n self.dimensions = 2 # this version allows the creation of 2D swarms self.linear_speed = linear_speed self.dT = dT self.plot_limits = plot_limits self.deployment_point_limits = deployment_point_limits self.deployment_orientation_limits = deployment_orientation_limits self.distribution_type = distribution_type self.behaviors = behaviors self.pose = self._create_robots() self.behaviors_dict = {'r_out':{'aggregation': {'function':None}, 'repulsion': {'function':None, 'alpha': 10.0, 'd': 2}, 'target': {'function':None, 'T': np.array([30, 30, 30])}, 'collective_navigation': {'function':None, 'T': np.array([30, 30, 30]), 'alpha': 10.0, 'd': 2}}, 'theta_out':{'leaderless_heading_consensus': {'function':None}, 'heading_consensus': {'function':None}}} def _create_robots(self): """ Creates an array of n robots with user-specified parameters. """ if self.distribution_type=='none': position = np.asarray([self.deployment_point_limits[0] for i in range(self.n)]) orientation = np.asarray([self.deployment_orientation_limits[0] for i in range(self.n)]) elif self.distribution_type=='uniform': position = np.random.uniform(low=self.deployment_point_limits[0], high=self.deployment_point_limits[1], size=(self.n, 3, )) orientation = np.random.uniform(low=self.deployment_orientation_limits[0], high=self.deployment_orientation_limits[1], size=(self.n, 3, )) elif self.distribution_type=='gaussian': position = np.random.normal(loc=self.deployment_point_limits[0], scale=self.deployment_point_limits[1], size=(self.n, 3, )) orientation = np.random.normal(loc=self.deployment_orientation_limits[0], scale=self.deployment_orientation_limits[1], size=(self.n, 3, )) pose = np.concatenate((position, orientation), axis=1) if self.dimensions==2: pose[:,2] = 0 # z pose[:,3] = 0 # roll pose[:,4] = 0 # pitch return pose # animation function. This is called sequentially def _animate(self, i):[0])[1])'X(m)')'Y(m)') pose = self.pose.copy() r = pose[:,:3] theta = pose[:,3:] arrow_len = 4.0 if self.dimensions == 2:'equal') for r_ind in range(len(r)):[r_ind][0], r[r_ind][1], marker='o', lw=0)[r[r_ind][0], r[r_ind][0]+arrow_len*np.cos(theta[r_ind][2])], [r[r_ind][1], r[r_ind][1]+arrow_len*np.sin(theta[r_ind][2])], color='k') for r_ind in range(len(r)): r_i = r[r_ind] r_j = np.delete(r, np.array([r_ind]), axis=0) theta_i = theta[r_ind] theta_j = np.delete(theta, np.array([r_ind]), axis=0) self.behaviors_dict['r_out']['aggregation']['function'] = bh.aggregation(r_i, r_j) self.behaviors_dict['r_out']['repulsion']['function'] = bh.repulsion(r_i, r_j, self.behaviors_dict['r_out']['repulsion']['alpha'], self.behaviors_dict['r_out']['repulsion']['d']) self.behaviors_dict['r_out']['target']['function'] =, np.asarray(self.behaviors_dict['r_out']['target']['T'])) self.behaviors_dict['r_out']['collective_navigation']['function'] = bh.collective_navigation(r_i, r_j, np.asarray(self.behaviors_dict['r_out']['collective_navigation']['T']), self.behaviors_dict['r_out']['collective_navigation']['alpha'], self.behaviors_dict['r_out']['collective_navigation']['d']) self.behaviors_dict['theta_out']['leaderless_heading_consensus']['function'] = bh.leaderless_heading_consensus(theta_i, theta_j) self.behaviors_dict['theta_out']['heading_consensus']['function'] = bh.heading_consensus(theta_i, theta_j) behaviors_output = [] for behavior_i in self.behaviors: try: behaviors_output.append([self.behaviors_dict['r_out'][behavior_i]['function']]) except: try: behaviors_output.append([self.behaviors_dict['theta_out'][behavior_i]['function']]) except: print('behavior not found: '+behavior_i) if len(behaviors_output)>0: # in this code all the behaviors are transformed into a normalized orientation r_sum = (np.sum(np.asarray([r_out[0] for r_out in behaviors_output]), axis=0)) r_normalized = r_sum/np.linalg.norm(r_sum) r[r_ind] += r_normalized * self.linear_speed * self.dT theta[r_ind][2] = np.arctan2(r[r_ind][1], r[r_ind][0]) self.pose = np.concatenate((r, theta), axis=1) def simulate(self, frames = 720, interval = 1, blit = False, repeat = False, mode = 'pltshow'): # First set up the figure and the axis if self.dimensions == 2: self.fig, = plt.subplots() if mode == 'pltshow': anim = animation.FuncAnimation(self.fig, self._animate, frames=frames, interval=interval, blit=blit, repeat=repeat) elif mode == 'anim': import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") anim = animation.FuncAnimation(self.fig, self._animate, frames=frames, interval=interval, blit=blit, repeat=repeat) return anim elif mode == 'simulate': for time_i in range(frames): self._animate(time_i) return self.pose