Source code for pyswarming.behaviors


The PySwarming behaviors functions are based on researches of different authors,
for details, see the documentation available in two forms: docstrings provided
with the code, and a loose standing reference guide, available from
`the PySwarming homepage <>`_..

Functions present in pyswarming.behaviors are listed below.



Combined Behaviors

   area_coverage = geofencing + repulsion
   collective_navigation = target + repulsion
   flocking = aggregation + repulsion + alignment

__all__ = ['leaderless_heading_consensus', 'inverse_power', 'spring',
           'force_law', 'repulsive_force', 'body_force', 'inter_robot_spacing',
           'dissipative', 'leader_following', 'collision_avoidance',
           'attraction_alignment', 'preferred_direction', 'lennard_jones', 'virtual_viscosity',
           'modified_attraction_alignment', 'heading_consensus', 'perimeter_defense',
           'environment_exploration', 'aggregation', 'alignment', 'geofencing', 'repulsion',
           'target', 'area_coverage', 'collective_navigation', 'flocking']

import numpy as np

from numdifftools import Gradient

[docs]def leaderless_heading_consensus(theta_i, theta_j): """ Calculate the new robot heading based on the "leaderless heading consensus algorithm" Parameters ---------- theta_i : numpy.array array must have the robot orientation in euler angles (i.e. np.asarray([roll, pitch, yaw])). theta_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood orientations in euler angles (i.e. np.asarray([[roll1, pitch1, yaw1], [roll2, pitch2, yaw2], ..., [rollN, pitchN, yawN]])). Returns ------- new_theta_i : numpy.array array containing the new heading """ N = len(theta_j) new_theta_i = (1.0/(1.0 + N)) * (theta_i + np.sum(theta_j, axis=0)) return new_theta_i
[docs]def inverse_power(r_i, r_j, c_w, sigma_w): """ Calculates an output force based on the "inverse-power force laws algorithm". This is a simplified version, i.e., the coefficients between the particles are assumed to be the same. Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). c_w : numpy.array coefficients that depends on w. Where w is the number of inverse-power laws. sigma_w : numpy.array the inverse power coefficients (sigma_w>0) that depends on w. Returns ------- f_i : numpy.array array containing the force """ L = len(c_w) f_0 = np.zeros(3) f_i = np.zeros(3) for j in r_j: for w in range(L): f_0 += c_w[w] / np.power(np.linalg.norm(j - r_i), sigma_w[w]) f_i += f_0 * ((j - r_i) / np.linalg.norm(j - r_i)) return f_i
[docs]def spring(r_i, r_j, k, l): """ Calculates an output force based on the "spring laws algorithm". This is a simplified version, i.e., the coefficients between the particles are assumed to be the same. Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). k : float spring constant (k > 0). l : float desired distance between the robots. Returns ------- f_i : numpy.array array containing the force """ f_i = np.zeros(3) for j in r_j: f_i += k * (np.linalg.norm(j - r_i) - l) * ((j - r_i) / np.linalg.norm(j - r_i)) return f_i
[docs]def force_law(r_i, r_j, G, m_i, m_j, p): """ Calculates an output force based on the "force law algorithm". Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). G : float coefficient that acts like a gravitational constant. m_i : float mass of robot i. m_j : numpy.array array of masses of robots j. p : float user-defined power. Returns ------- f_i : numpy.array array containing the force """ N = len(r_j) f_i = np.zeros(3) for j in range(N): f_i += (G * m_i * m_j[j]) / np.power(np.linalg.norm(r_j[j] - r_i), p) return f_i
[docs]def repulsive_force(r_i, r_j, A_i, B_i, R_i, R_j): """ Calculates an output force based on the "repulsive force algorithm". Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). A_i : float user-defined coefficient. B_i : float user-defined coefficient. R_i : float radii of the robot i. R_j : numpy.array array with the radii of the robots j. Returns ------- f_i : numpy.array array containing the force """ N = len(r_j) f_i = np.zeros(3) for j in range(N): r_ij = r_j[j] - r_i f_i += A_i * np.exp((R_i+R_j[j]+np.linalg.norm(r_ij))/B_i) * (r_ij / np.linalg.norm(r_ij)) return f_i
[docs]def body_force(r_i, r_j, Lambda, R_i, R_j): """ Calculates an output force based on the "body force algorithm". Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). Lambda : float user-defined coefficient. R_i : float radii of the robot i. R_j : numpy.array array with the radii of the robots j. Returns ------- f_i : numpy.array array containing the force """ def h(R_i, R_j, norm_r_ij): if norm_r_ij > (R_i + R_j): return 0 else: return R_i + R_j + norm_r_ij N = len(r_j) f_i = np.zeros(3) for j in range(N): r_ij = r_j[j] - r_i f_i += Lambda * h(R_i, R_j[j], np.linalg.norm(r_ij)) * (r_ij / np.linalg.norm(r_ij)) return f_i
[docs]def inter_robot_spacing(r_i, r_j, alpha, d_0): """ Calculates an output force based on the "inter-robot spacing algorithm". Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). alpha : float user-defined coefficient. d_0 : float user-defined coefficient. Returns ------- f_i : numpy.array array containing the force """ f_i = np.zeros(3) for j in r_j: r_ij = j - r_i f_i += alpha * ((1.0/np.linalg.norm(r_ij)) - (d_0/np.power(np.linalg.norm(r_ij),2))) * (r_ij / np.linalg.norm(r_ij)) return f_i
[docs]def dissipative(v_i, v_d, a): """ Calculate a force based on the "dissipative force algorithm" Parameters ---------- v_i : numpy.array array must have the robot velocity in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). v_d : numpy.array array must have the desired robot velocity in cartesian coordinates. a : float damping factor (a > 0). Returns ------- f_i : numpy.array array containing the force """ f_i = - a * (v_i - v_d) return f_i
[docs]def leader_following(theta_i, theta_j, theta_0, b_i): """ Calculate the new robot heading based on the "leader following algorithm" Parameters ---------- theta_i : numpy.array array must have the robot orientation in euler angles (i.e. np.asarray([roll, pitch, yaw])). theta_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood orientations in euler angles (i.e. np.asarray([[roll1, pitch1, yaw1], [roll2, pitch2, yaw2], ..., [rollN, pitchN, yawN]])). theta_0 : numpy.array array must have the leader robot orientation in euler angles (i.e. np.asarray([roll, pitch, yaw])). b_i: integer integer value where the value is 1 if the leader robot is a neighbor or the robot_i, and 0 otherwise. Returns ------- new_theta_i : numpy.array array containing the new heading """ N = len(theta_j) new_theta_i = (1.0/(1 + N + b_i)) * (theta_i + np.sum(theta_j, axis=0) + b_i*theta_0) return new_theta_i
[docs]def collision_avoidance(r_i, r_j): """ Calculate the desired heading of the robot based on the "collision avoidance algorithm" Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). Returns ------- new_theta_i : numpy.array array containing the new heading """ new_theta_i = np.zeros(3) for j in r_j: new_theta_i -= ((j - r_i) / np.linalg.norm(j - r_i)) return new_theta_i
[docs]def attraction_alignment(r_i, r_j, theta_j): """ Calculate the desired heading of the robot based on the "attraction and alignment algorithm" Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). theta_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood orientations in euler angles (i.e. np.asarray([[roll1, pitch1, yaw1], [roll2, pitch2, yaw2], ..., [rollN, pitchN, yawN]])). Returns ------- new_theta_i : numpy.array array containing the new heading """ new_theta_i = np.zeros(3) for j in r_j: new_theta_i += ((j - r_i) / np.linalg.norm(j - r_i)) for j in theta_j: new_theta_i += (j / np.linalg.norm(j)) new_theta_i = new_theta_i / np.linalg.norm(new_theta_i) return new_theta_i
[docs]def preferred_direction(theta_i, k_i, w=0.0): """ Calculate the preferred direction of the robot based on the "preferred direction algorithm" Parameters ---------- theta_i : numpy.array array must have the robot orientation in euler angles (i.e. np.asarray([roll, pitch, yaw])). k_i : numpy.array array must have the a preferred direction "k" in euler angles (i.e. np.asarray([roll, pitch, yaw])). w : float float number giving a weight > 0 for the preferred direction. Returns ------- new_theta_i : numpy.array array containing the new heading """ new_theta_i = (theta_i + w*k_i) / np.linalg.norm(theta_i + w*k_i) return new_theta_i
[docs]def lennard_jones(r_i, r_j, epsilon, sigma, normalized=False): """ Calculates an output force that produces lattice formations, based on the "Lennard-Jones potential algorithm" Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). epsilon : float depth of the potential well. sigma : float desired distance between the robots. normalized : boolean boolean parameter to normalize each term in the sum when normalized = True. Returns ------- f_i : numpy.array array containing the force """ N = len(r_j) f_i = np.zeros(3) for j in r_j: r_ij = (j - r_i) if normalized == True: normalization_term = (r_ij / np.linalg.norm(r_ij)) else: normalization_term = 1.0 f_i += ((12.0*epsilon)/r_ij) * (np.power(sigma/r_ij, 12) - np.power(sigma/r_ij, 6)) * normalization_term f_i = (1.0/N) * f_i return f_i
[docs]def virtual_viscosity(v_i, xi, xi_dot, xi_conv, xi_stab): """ Calculates a virtual viscosity force based on the "virtual viscosity algorithm" Parameters ---------- v_i : numpy.array array must have the robot velocity in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). xi : float damping factor. xi_dot : boolean boolean parameter to avoid residual oscillations after the convergence, when xi_dot = True. xi_conv : float damping factor that ensures the convergence. xi_stab : float damping factor of reference that depends on the orbit at which the reference frame is located. Returns ------- f_i : numpy.array array containing the force """ if xi_dot == True: # after convergence if xi < xi_stab: xi = xi_conv*np.exp(-xi/2.0) else: xi = 0 f_i = - xi * v_i return f_i
[docs]def modified_attraction_alignment(r_i, r_j, theta_j, h_j): """ Calculate the desired heading of the robot based on the "attraction and alignment algorithm" by considering the "social importance" factor "h" Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). theta_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood orientations in euler angles (i.e. np.asarray([[roll1, pitch1, yaw1], [roll2, pitch2, yaw2], ..., [rollN, pitchN, yawN]])). h_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood "social importance" factor (i.e. np.asarray([h_j1, h_j2, ..., h_jN])). Returns ------- new_theta_i : numpy.array array containing the new heading """ new_theta_i = np.zeros(3) for j,h in zip(r_j,h_j): new_theta_i += h*((j - r_i) / np.linalg.norm(j - r_i)) for j,h in zip(theta_j,h_j): new_theta_i += h*(j / np.linalg.norm(j)) new_theta_i = new_theta_i / np.linalg.norm(new_theta_i) return new_theta_i
[docs]def heading_consensus(theta_i, theta_j): """ Calculate the new robot heading based on the "heading consensus algorithm" Parameters ---------- theta_i : numpy.array array must have the robot orientation in euler angles (i.e. np.asarray([roll, pitch, yaw])). theta_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood orientations in euler angles (i.e. np.asarray([[roll1, pitch1, yaw1], [roll2, pitch2, yaw2], ..., [rollN, pitchN, yawN]])). Returns ------- new_theta_i : numpy.array array containing the new heading """ theta_j_u_i = np.concatenate((theta_j, np.asarray([theta_i])), axis=0) N = len(theta_j) new_theta_i = np.zeros(3) for j in theta_j_u_i: new_theta_i += (1.0/(N + 1.0)) * (j) return new_theta_i
[docs]def perimeter_defense(r_i, r_j): """ Calculate the new "heading" based on the "perimeter defense algorithm" Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). Returns ------- g_i : numpy.array array containing g_i """ g_i = np.zeros(3) for j in r_j: g_i += ((j - r_i) / np.power(np.linalg.norm(j - r_i), 2)) return g_i
[docs]def environment_exploration(r_i, r_j, theta_j, H_i, T, r_0): """ Calculate the new velocity of the robot based on the "environment exploration algorithm" Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). theta_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood orientations in euler angles (i.e. np.asarray([[roll1, pitch1, yaw1], [roll2, pitch2, yaw2], ..., [rollN, pitchN, yawN]])). H_i: integer binary heading consensus weight, being toward a goal (H_i = 1) or with reference to the others robots (H_i = 0). T : numpy.array array must have the target (goal) position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_0 : float reference distance between the robots to create a set of robots within this range. Returns ------- v_i : numpy.array array containing the new velocity v_i """ N = len(r_j) beta_i = (T - r_i) / np.linalg.norm(T - r_i) term_2 = 0 for j in r_j: gamma_ij = (j - r_i) / np.linalg.norm(j - r_i) term_2 += gamma_ij*((1-H_i)-(np.power(r_0,2)/np.power(np.linalg.norm(j - r_i),2))) R_i_u_i = [] for j in range(len(r_j)): if np.linalg.norm(r_j[j] - r_i)<=r_0: R_i_u_i.append(j) term_3 = 0 for j in R_i_u_i: term_3 += np.asarray([np.cos(theta_j[j][2]), np.sin(theta_j[j][2]), 0]) v_i = H_i*beta_i + (1.0/N)*term_2 + (H_i/N)*term_3 return v_i
[docs]def aggregation(r_i, r_j): """ Calculates a nondimensional contribution based on the "aggregation algorithm" Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). Returns ------- g_i : numpy.array array containing g_i """ N = len(r_j) g_i_sum = np.zeros(3) for j in r_j: g_i_sum += ((j - r_i) / np.linalg.norm(j - r_i)) g_i = (1.0/N) * g_i_sum return g_i
[docs]def alignment(v_i, v_j): """ Calculates a nondimensional contribution based on the "alignment algorithm" Parameters ---------- v_i : numpy.array array must have the robot velocity in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). v_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood velocities in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). Returns ------- g_i : numpy.array array containing g_i """ N = len(v_j) g_i_sum = np.zeros(3) for j in v_j: g_i_sum += ((j - v_i) / np.linalg.norm(j - v_i)) g_i = (1.0/N) * g_i_sum return g_i
[docs]def geofencing(r_i, A): """ Calculates a nondimensional contribution based on the "geofencing algorithm" Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). A : function function of the interested region. e.g. A = lambda x: np.sqrt(x[0]+x[1]+x[2]) Returns ------- g_i : numpy.array array containing contribution """ gradF = Gradient(A) gradA = gradF([r_i[0],r_i[1],r_i[2]]) g_i = - (1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-A([r_i[0],r_i[1],r_i[2]])))) * (gradA / np.linalg.norm(gradA)) return g_i
[docs]def repulsion(r_i, r_j, alpha, d=2): """ Calculates a nondimensional contribution based on the "repulsion algorithm" Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). alpha : float float parameter to determine the strength of the repulsion. d : integer integer > 1 parameter is the multipole order. Returns ------- g_i : numpy.array array containing g_i """ g_i = np.zeros(3) for j in r_j: g_i -= (np.power(alpha,d) / np.power(np.linalg.norm(j - r_i),d)) * ((j - r_i) / np.linalg.norm(j - r_i)) return g_i
[docs]def target(r_i, T): """ Calculates a nondimensional contribution based on the "target algorithm" Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). T : numpy.array array must have the target position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). Returns ------- b_T : numpy.array array containing contribution """ b_T = (T - r_i) / np.linalg.norm(T - r_i) return b_T
################################################################### # Combined behaviors ###################################################################
[docs]def area_coverage(r_i, r_j, A, alpha, d=2): """ Calculate the area coverage nondimensional orientation contribution Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). A : function function of the interested region. alpha : float float parameter to determine the strength of the repulsion. d : integer integer > 1 parameter is the multipole order. Returns ------- b_AC : numpy.array array containing contribution """ b_AC = geofencing(r_i, A) + repulsion(r_i, r_j, alpha, d) return b_AC
[docs]def collective_navigation(r_i, r_j, T, alpha, d=2): """ Calculate the collective navigation nondimensional orientation contribution Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). T : numpy.array array must have the target position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). alpha : float float parameter to determine the strength of the repulsion. d : integer integer > 1 parameter is the multipole order. Returns ------- b_CN : numpy.array array containing contribution """ b_CN = target(r_i, T) + repulsion(r_i, r_j, alpha, d) return b_CN
[docs]def flocking(r_i, r_j, v_i, v_j, alpha, d=2): """ Calculate the flocking nondimensional orientation contribution Parameters ---------- r_i : numpy.array array must have the robot position in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). r_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood positions in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). alpha : float float parameter to determine the strength of the repulsion. d : integer integer > 1 parameter is the multipole order. v_i : numpy.array array must have the robot velocity in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([x, y, z])). v_j : numpy.array array must have the neighborhood velocities in cartesian coordinates (i.e. np.asarray([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ..., [xN, yN, zN]])). Returns ------- b_F : numpy.array array containing contribution """ b_F = aggregation(r_i, r_j) + repulsion(r_i, r_j, alpha, d) + alignment(v_i, v_j) return b_F